
  • ❖  Each team member is expected to have a positive attitude and be committed to helping their teammates succeed through respect, kindness, and encouragement. Coaches have the right to ask any team member that is being inappropriate to please leave the practice. If this occurs, parents will be contacted.

  • ❖  Bullying of any kind is not permitted.

  • ❖  Dancers are expected to be at weekly team/tech classes and Syllabus Workshops (for dates and times please see teams pages)

  • ❖  CVB ABSENCE POLICY: Any team member that misses more than 4 practices in a month, without a legitimate reason, will be placed on probation. After 10 total absences, that student may be removed from the team.

  • ❖  If dancers absolutely cannot attend a class where routines are taught, then they are responsible for finding a fellow team member to teach them what they missed.

  • ❖  Parents are encouraged to come and support their dancers during competitions.

  • ❖  Drug and alcohol use is strictly forbidden while on any CVB team.