
CVB is a non-profit, parent-led organization. Please recognize that because we are a non-profit, we do not retain a large cash reserve that would otherwise be found in a for-profit business. Thus, we require your timely payments in order for CVB operating costs to be met and ask that you be understanding and respectful of notified payment due dates so that we can maintain a top-quality program for our dancers.

You can pay fees by the following means:

Auto payments from your bank account
Cash/Check made out to CVB which can be put in the drop box at the studio.

There are 3 payment schedule options for tuition:

  1. Monthly Payments:
    You can sign up for a monthly automatic withdraw from your bank account. This will begin in August and continue through May. You can choose to have funds withdrawn on either the 5th or the 20th of each month. If you choose this monthly withdraw option, please obtain the necessary form from Tara Gardner and return it to her tonight.

    You can pay monthly using Venmo. Venmo payments must be received by the 5th of each month. If your payment is not received by the 5th, you will receive a Venmo Request to Pay Reminder and you will have 48 hours to complete the payment.

    You can pay via Check/Cash. Please make checks out to CVB and put in the drop box at the studio. Payments must be received by the 5th of each month.

  2. Pay in 3 lump sums on the following dates: September 5, November 5, February 5.

  3. Pay the full year’s tuition in 1 lump sum by September 5.

Please inform Tara Gardner (208-406-9017) immediately about which payment method you will be using.

There is a discount of 10% for families who have more than one dancer per household. (This discount is not applied to the competition fee portion of tuition.) If the family discount applies to you, please contact Tara to verify what your family’s total monthly payment will be.

Students will not be able to participate if their tuition and costume fees are not up to date.

Costume fees are due by Oct 2. All costume fees are non-refundable.

Please note that we purchase all costumes and accessories at the beginning of each year, thus the costume funds are required at the beginning of the season.
The full amount of costume fees is owed by Oct. 2 for all dancers.

For individual Syllabus events, students will need to register themselves and pay online or at the door. CVB will provide registration details a few weeks before each comp.

Those competing in Opens/Cabaret will have additional costs for each competition.

Students competing in Opens/Cabaret will need specific costumes for these events. You can buy/rent your costumes from outside sources, we have a few available at our studio. We do have some students who are selling costumes as well. Please contact Kristina Crosland - 208-380-5800 for info.

Female team members will be responsible for purchasing their own team makeup supplies—eye shadow, eye liner, blush, lipstick, eyelashes, etc.—and hair styling supplies.